Thursday, 12 June 2008

I'm Doing Europe (Part Seven): Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Again, backlogged to shit due to expensive internet or lack of time.

Actually Written: June 5, 2008

An Open Letter to Amsterdam
Re: Staying the same forever

You know, the rest of the world can learn from you, Amsterdam. While the rest of the world wastes their resources on the war on drugs, your blind eye policies regulate the soft drug usage in your country, bring about what I’m assuming is a good amount of tourism (since a staggering 100% of the people I know that have visited your fair streets have gone for those same soft drugs) and generally contribute to what’s an amazingly relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Bravo, Amsterdam, Bravo! Your resources instead go to maintaining your efficient system of public transportation, your multitudes of shiny, basket carrying bikes and your numerous canals! Yes, your beautiful canals, full of wonder. And boats!
The other night, though, I heard they are trying to eliminate the coffee shops spread throughout your pebbled corridors. They may be gone by July, one of your friendly bartenders told me while he poured a glass of absinthe (good on that one, too!). I hear that there is a fight to either completely regulate wholesale growth and use (sounds good!) or the complete repression of soft drug use (sounds bad!).
Why, Amsterdam? Why? Why, when your policy of pragmatism not only regulates the marijuana use in your tulip lined streets but also discourages hard drug use? Why, when studies have shown that the soft drug users in your town rarely shift to hard drugs? On top of that, you have fantastic drug rehabilitation programs, offering to help 85% of your addict population - a population that has less instances of Hepatitis B and C than the UK or the US. Why, when your educational programs emphasizing marijuana use as a health issue as opposed to a social lead to only 16% of your young people medium age 28 (based on recent statistical analysis) have ever smoked marijuana?
Is it to be like the rest of the prude-ish Western world? I hope that's not the case, Amsterdam.
You didn't get to be the way you were by worrying about what the rest of the world thinks. You have a lot of things going for you, Amsterdam. A great orange clad football team. Fantastic beer. Supremely attractive blonde haired, pretty eyed girls on bikes. Don't let your controlled use of soft drugs and the wonderfully relaxed coffee shops that go with that not be one of them.
Stay the same, Amsterdam. After all, you're the best.

Keep in touch and have a great summer,

Also: I'm really very, very high right now.

Tomorrow: A bigger update!

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